On 11/11/19 ,Fit India Movement Activity was conducted at our school as per the guideness issued by CBSE Board.The activities was started by 9.40am .First of all our student were made to do yoga with various Hasanams by Miss Raja lakshmi M.A.,B.Ed .After that our founder cum chairman has preside over this function .First of all ,he has delivered a wonderful speech about the importance of our honorable prime minister’s innovative programme of Fit India Movement.He told that our country expected the healthy citizens free from all sorts of ailments. He further well explained the importance of nutrition food to be taken by the younger generation .He told about the value of greens fruits and also motivated our students not to take any sort of junk food. He gave a deliberate lecture about the value of physical fitness and the importance of sports activity.Before his presence, the IXstd students well explained about various greens and their uses by demonstrating the same on the stage.Further,the students of VIIIstd brought fruits and also explained its uses with charts .Our students of VIIstd has also explained about the vegetables and their uses by showing it to all students our chairman insisted all our students to develop their health by taking nutrition food with all greens,fruits and vegetabes.He told the value of organic forming and also motivated our students to do it at their home after getting the proper training .he has given his appreciation for all students. With this, the function came to an end after national anthem by 11.35am
On 12/11/19 we have conducted the yoga exercises, debate on Mental Fitness at our school by 9.00am.First of all, our students from V to IX std has done the Free hand exercise.Miss.Rajalakshmi has given the free hand exercise in yoga .Then our students of VIII ,IX & Xstd has presented the Debate on mental fitness and also gave a talk about the merits of mental fitness and also the ill-effects of fitness in mental attitude. They also suggested the solution to live a happy life with ford mental fitness with this activity came to an end by 9.40am.We have registered our school website and we This is for your kind notification.
On 13/11/19,Fit India Movement activity was continued at our school. As per the CBSE Board Instructions, we have made the students to present the poster making on the topics Fit body Fit mind, Fit Environment. The students of VI to IXstd has prepared the poster making by using the papers and also drawn some picture related to Fit body fit mind,fit environment. Photographs were also taken by Mr.Mahandiran M.sc.,B.Ed (AP)of our school.Photoes were taken about with students of VI to IXstd with this today activity came to an end .we have registered our school in the schoolfitness.kheloindia.gov.in website.
On 14/11/19 We have conducted the following activities like Dance,Yoga ,Rope Skipping as per the CBSE Board iinstructions .We further conducted the activities of fitness dance presented by our VII & VIII boys.A Tamil play was also conducted about the protection of environment by our V,VII,VIII & IX students.
A English play was also displayed by our students of VI VII about the evil effects of plastic usage and also the importance of elimination of plastic forever in our daily usage.In such as way, programmes were conducted for Fit India Movement.
On 15/11/19,in morning assembly session ,We have conducted the Quiz programmes on sports & Fitness.Students from III to IXstd took part and also answered for this questions.We have conducted Essay competition in English on the topic “Fit India Movement “ for our students from VI to Xstd .In this way we have conclude the activity on 15/11/19.
on 16/11/19 We have conducted the competition for VI to IX in playing Indigenous games like kabadi,kallangai(five stones)Bambaram,Dayakattai,Nondi(Hopping),Tug of war with this ,We have conclude activities for Fit India as per the board instructions.